Zettahash DAO Constitution

Version: 1.01
Proposal: ZHGP

Last updated: April 9 2024

Zettahash Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Constitution


In the spirit of fostering a new era of decentralized governance and community-driven innovation, we, the collective architects of the Zettahash Decentralized Autonomous Organization (Zettahash DAO), present this constitution. Our solemn pledge is to uphold the principles of decentralization, transparency, and global inclusivity in Bitcoin mining. We commit to creating a fair, equitable, and thriving ecosystem where every member has a voice and every contribution is valued to foster stakeholder collaboration.

Constitutional Framework and Impact

This Constitution establishes the terms and conditions for governance protocols, detailing membership processes and the organization of decentralized voting within the Zettahash ecosystem. Its primary purpose is to offer a coordinated framework that unites beneficiaries around a shared mission, guiding decision-making in alignment with Zettahash's overall direction. This directly influences the ecosystem's success, with risks and mitigations outlined for clarity. The flexibility to amend the Constitution acts as a safeguard, ensuring adaptability to evolving needs.

Identity and Governance

Name and Structure

The organization shall be known as the Zettahash Decentralized Autonomous Organization

(Zettahash DAO), governed by the ZH Token (ETH contract address :


Decentralized Governance

Zettahash DAO operates on a decentralized governance model, allocating decision-making authority

to ZH token holders. This model ensures that no single entity or individual has undue influence over

the organization's direction.

The Constitution establishes binding rules for all participants. Anyone joining Zettahash DAO after the Constitution's adoption will automatically be subject to its provisions. Amendments to the Constitution can only be made through a Referendum, as detailed in section X of this document.

Foundational Pillars and DAO Objectives


  • Transparency: We cultivate trust by prioritizing openness and accountability in all our operations.
  • Decentralized Integrity: Our autonomous structure ensures distributed and fair governance without centralized control, maintaining integrity at every level.
  • Social Responsibility: We are committed to ethical practices, community engagement, and environmental sustainability, ensuring our operations positively impact society and the planet.
  • Equality: Every individual is empowered to contribute and thrive.


Our mission is to democratize Bitcoin mining by creating a public-controlled organization that empowers its community members to influence and shape the future of decentralized finance and governance. We are committed to 100% transparency, integrity, and collaboration with governments, ensuring that the rewards of Bitcoin mining are accessible to all and fostering trust in the decentralized ecosystem.


Zettahash is dedicated to enriching our token holders and valuing their role in our success. By sharing the wealth generated from Bitcoin mining and other ventures, we increase the value of ZH Tokens over time and ensure our token holders benefit directly from our success. We envision Zettahash as a pioneer among publicly traded companies worldwide.


  1. Foster a Vibrant Ecosystem: Support and empower projects and initiatives that resonate with the DAO's values and objectives, contributing to the growth and innovation organization and ecosystem.
  1. Resilience through Decentralization: Ensure that the Zettahash Ecosystem, including governance, remains independent and decentralized, avoiding reliance on any single individual or entity.
  1. Uphold Transparency and Integrity: Ensure all DAO operations are conducted with transparency, fairness, and integrity, upholding ethical standards at all times.
  1. Tokenize Value: Enhance the ZH token's value to boost the DAO's success and benefit our token-holding members with mechanisms linking its growth to the utility of Zettahash.
  1. Bitcoin Mining Operation: Enhance the value of Zettahash and our members by creating a thriving global decentralized mining operation, advancing in the field, and contributing to Zettahash's overall success.

Zettahash Governance Roles

Zettahash DAO's governance structure is categorized into roles within and outside the organization. Internally, Elected Members steer ZH towards its goals, and Hashers participate in community tasks. Community Members form the core, engaging in activities and influencing decisions through voting.

Externally, advisors provide specialized skills and strategic guidance. Ambassadors represent ZH to potential stakeholders, promoting its mission and values. Contractors and vendors supply essential services and goods for operations. Together, these roles ensure the smooth functioning and growth of Zettahash DAO.

Elected Members (EM)

Elected Members are full-time members voted into their respective positions by the Zettahash community for their expertise, experience, and dedication to upholding the DAO's values and ethos. They are crucial in steering ZH towards its objectives, representing the community's interests, and ensuring smooth operations. Their responsibilities include specific role duties, facilitating cross-DAO interactions, and advancing the organization's overall goals.


Hashers are token-holding community members recognized for their active participation and leadership within the community. They contribute their expertise and time a few hours a week to specific tasks or projects, aiding the community's growth and upliftment. Hashers are also voted in by the community based on their proposed assistance, qualifications, and commitment to the DAO.

Note: Zettahash's Elected Members oversee the Snapshot proposal creation and voting processes. However, to prevent conflicts of interest, they and Hashers are prohibited from suggesting proposals or voting for their interest as token holders.


Ambassadors represent Zettahash to external stakeholders, promoting the organization's mission, values, and objectives. Their activities may include public speaking, networking, advocacy, or marketing to enhance awareness and support for ZH. They are often influential figures or professionals with a solid personal brand or following.

Community Members

Community Members are the foundation of Zettahash DAO, embodying its collective spirit and driving its progress. They actively engage in the community's activities, contribute to its growth, and collaborate with others to create a sense of belonging. As token holders, they have a significant voice in the organization's operations and decision-making processes, influencing Zettahash’s direction and success through voting and proposal submissions. Community Members are the only governance roles eligible to suggest proposals or vote.


Contractors are hired to provide goods or services for specific projects, bringing specialized skills. They work independently or through their companies and can work remotely or on-site as needed.


Advisors offer guidance and expertise in specific areas, contributing to decision-making, strategy development, and problem-solving. Their relationships with the organization can be formal or informal.


Vendors are external businesses that supply goods or services to the organization under contractual agreements. Depending on the organization's needs, vendors can include suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, or distributors.

Community Guidelines

As community members, contributors, and leaders of the Zettahash Ecosystem, we pledge to create a welcoming, inclusive, and harassment-free experience for everyone. Our commitment extends to fostering an environment that is open, diverse, innovative, effective, and conducive to the well-being of ourselves, each other, and our shared environment.

Standards of Conduct and Responsibilities

To foster a positive and dynamic community environment, we encourage each member to:

  1. Uphold the values and principles outlined in this Constitution.
  2. Comply with the rules and regulations established by the DAO.
  3. Act responsibly, maturely, and respectfully.
  4. Support and learn from one another.
  5. Embrace diverse opinions, perspectives, temperaments, and experiences.
  6. Prioritize the community's collective well-being in alignment with Zettahash's values.

The following conduct is discouraged and constitutes a violation:

  • Selling or renting votes.
  • Engaging in trolling, insults, derogatory comments, personal or political attacks.
  • Harassing others, publicly or privately, including stalking or non-consensual interactions.
  • Disclosing someone's private information without explicit consent.
  • Promoting hate speech or violence based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Engaging in unlawful activities or encouraging illegal actions.
  • Sending spam or unsolicited commercial messages.
  • Inciting violence, glorifying extremism, or encouraging self-harm.
  • Violating anti-corruption laws.
  • Promoting other financial instruments, institutions, or services.

Violations and Consequences

Our community enforces the following guidelines to address violations of the Code of Conduct:

  1. Warning: For violations, a warning will be issued with consequences for continued inappropriate behavior.
  1. Time Out: For severe violations, the individual will be put in “time out” from interacting with the community. Any further violations may lead to a permanent ban.
  1. Restricted: For extreme violations, such as harassment or vote-selling, the individual may be continually restricted, and the community may be notified of a particular member.
  1. Removal: Members may be subject to removal through a democratic community vote for extreme misconduct or breaches of the Constitution.

Other Considerations

  1. Appeal Process: Individuals subject to disciplinary action can appeal the decision by contacting the moderation team with a detailed explanation of their case.
  1. Confidentiality: All reports of violations will be handled with discretion and confidentiality to protect the privacy of all involved parties.
  1. Support: The community is committed to supporting individuals affected by violations and will assist as needed.

Reporting and Enforcement

All community members are responsible for promoting adherence to the Community Guidelines and reporting violations. The platform moderators enforce these guidelines to maintain a safe and respectful environment.

To report a violation, members can:

  1. Tag a moderator in the platform where the violation occurred or
  2. Email the Elected Members at dao@zettahash.org

Dispute Resolution

In the event of disputes or conflicts within ZH DAO, the integrity and harmony of our community need to seek resolution constructively. The following steps outline our dispute resolution process:

  1. Amicable Resolution: Members are encouraged to resolve disputes amicably through open dialogue and mediation. This approach fosters a collaborative environment and strengthens community bonds.
  1. Mediation: If direct resolution is not possible, mediation by a neutral third party within the DAO can be sought to facilitate communication and understanding between the involved parties.
  1. External Arbitration: In cases where internal resolution mechanisms are exhausted without a satisfactory outcome, external arbitration methods may be employed. The choice of arbitration method and arbitrator will be mutually agreed upon by the involved parties.

Governance Proposal And Voting Process

The Zettahash Proposal Process (ZHP) forms a comprehensive framework that embodies the fundamental principles of Zettahash's DAO governance system. This dual process structure is crucial for the systematic evaluation, approval, rejection, and voting on proposals or proposed changes. It ensures that all decisions are aligned with the overarching goals and core values of the ZH’s ecosystem, thereby maintaining its integrity and guiding its future direction.

In this two-stage ‘propose and vote’ decision-making process: (1) members openly discuss, develop, and formally submit proposals for new initiatives or changes to the DAO, and (2) members vote on proposals 'on-chain’ whereby voting power is based on holdings of governance tokens.

Proposal Process

Proposal discussions take place in Consensus on the Zettahash Discord server. This forum serves as the town square for discussing and debating ideas, while Snapshot's on-chain voting platform acts as the ballot box where contributors cast their final, official vote.

Proposal Principles

  • Zettahash Protocol for the Common Good: Changes to the ZH Protocol should preserve its status as a resource for the common good, ensuring a balance among the interests of diverse stakeholders within the Zettahash Ecosystem.
  • Token Utility Aligned with Ecosystem Interests: Changes to token mechanisms should enhance the value of the Zettahash Ecosystem, considering the impact on users, developers, and holders.
  • Limited Treasury Use: Zettahash treasury assets must be directly tied to achieving the objectives outlined in the constitution.

Proposal Criteria

  • Any Zettahash Token Holder can suggest a Consensus proposal.
  • All proposals must adhere to the specific format and process for the type of proposal.
  • All proposals must be shared during the public deliberation phase in the Zettahash Discord server forums.
  • Typical Voting Period: Seven days.
  • Scheduling: Once a proposal is approved, the Elected Member overseeing the relevant ZH department will outline a timeline for initiating and executing the proposal.

How to Create A Proposal

  1. Develop Your Idea: Assess whether your idea aligns with the goals and values of Zettahash DAO.
  1. Share Your Proposal Idea for Feedback: Initiate discussion on the proposal's topic by posting it in the relevant Zettahash Discord server In the 'Consensus’ choose one of these departments such as beneficiaries, business, community, development, energy, governance, marketing, mining, strategy, treasury.
  1. Engage With Other Community Members: Gather insights, feedback, and refine your proposal.
  1. Create Your Official Proposal: Follow the structure provided below. The additional explanations are intended to assist you:


Purpose: Provide a concise overview of the proposal, including its main goals and objectives.

Content: This should be brief, ideally a few sentences, summarizing the proposal's key points.


Purpose: Offers a more detailed summary, including the background and context of the proposal.

Content: A brief description of the problem or opportunity being addressed, the proposed solution, and the expected outcomes.


Purpose: Explains why the proposal is vital for the DAO.

Content: This section details the reasons behind the proposal, including any problems or opportunities it aims to address and why it is relevant to the DAO's goals and values.


Purpose: Provide a detailed description of the proposal, including how it will be implemented.

Content: Outlines the specific actions, steps, or changes that will be taken if the proposal is approved. This section should be clear and detailed enough for members to understand what they are voting on.


Purpose: Highlights the positive outcomes and advantages of the proposal.

Content: Lists the potential benefits for the DAO and its members, such as increased efficiency, improved governance, or enhanced community engagement.


Purpose: Addresses any potential downsides or negative consequences of the proposal.

Content: Identifies possible risks, challenges, or disadvantages associated with the proposal, allowing members to make an informed decision.


Purpose: Provide details on how the voting process will be conducted.

Content: This includes information on the voting mechanism (e.g., token-based voting, quadratic voting), the duration of the voting period, the required quorum or majority for approval, and any other relevant voting procedures.

  1. Post Your Official Proposal: Share it again in one of these department forums, such as beneficiaries, business, community, development, energy, governance, marketing, mining, strategy, and treasury, on Discord or Telegram platform for community feedback. Pin the Proposal to the top of the channel to ensure visibility. This makes it easy for members to find and vote on active proposals.
  1. Engage with the Community: Respond to comments and address concerns. Consider adding a poll to your post to gauge overall sentiment towards your proposal.
  1. Revise Your Proposal (if needed): Review the community's feedback and identify areas for improvement. Make revisions to your proposal, ensuring it addresses the concerns raised. If significant changes are made, post a second draft of your proposal for further feedback.
  1. Submit Your Final Proposal: Submit your finalized proposal for an official vote, including the wallet address for fund transfer if the proposal involves financial transactions.
  1. Monitor the Voting Process: Engage with the community to address last-minute questions or concerns.

Consensus Community Approval (Upvotes)

A Zettahash #Elected Member (#EM) will submit community-suggested proposals on Snapshot using their elected privileged access and assigned ETH addresses to prevent spam and manipulation.

To view submitted proposals on Snapshot, follow the instructions below: How to Cast a Vote.

Token Voting Guidelines

Each Zettahash $ZH Token holder can vote on submitted proposals.

  1. Eligibility: All Zettahash $ZH token holders are eligible to vote, with each token equating to one vote.
  1. Voting Power: The more tokens a holder possesses, the greater the weight of their vote. For example, a holder with ten tokens would have ten times the voting power of someone with a single token.
  1. Voting Period: Each voting session has a specific time frame for members to vote.
  1. Quorum: A minimum percentage of the total token supply must participate in the vote to be valid.
  1. Transparency: All votes are recorded and publicly available for transparency and accountability.
  1. Snapshot Voting: Votes are cast based on a snapshot of token holdings at a specific time to prevent manipulation.
  1. Zettahash Elected Members and Hashers are prohibited from personally participating in voting as token holders due to conflicts of interest.

Voting System

If you're new to Snapshot, you can familiarize yourself with its key features and how it works. Snapshot is a gasless, off-chain, and entirely open-source voting platform; it has become one of the de facto voting methods for DAOs. It allows for highly customized voting processes to cater to the diverse needs of users and organizations.

For a detailed guide and visual instructions, refer to the official Snapshot vote documentation https://docs.snapshot.org/userguides/voting/vote

The Snapshot voting mechanism allows token holders to cast their votes. It ensures that all token holders have a voice in decision-making and that a vote's outcome reflects the community's collective opinion.

How to Cast a Vote

  1. Visit the Vote section of the #Hashboard here: https://hashboard.zettahash.org/#/vote
    Visit Snapshot directly here: https://snapshot.org/#/dao.zettahash.eth
  1. Select the active proposal from the list you would like to vote on.
  1. After clicking the link, you will be redirected to a page displaying the details of that Zettahash proposal.
  • Strategies: The default strategy is (to calculate the balance of $ZH for each voter or a delegation strategy, e.g.)
  • Author: The individual or entity that authored the proposal.
  • IPFS: The IPFS link for the proposal. This is how the vote information is stored.
  • Voting System: The specific voting mechanism used, such as single choice, weighted, or quadratic.
  • Start Date: The date/time on which voting goes live.
  • End Date: The date/time that voting ends.
  • Snapshot: Voting power is calculated at the "snapshot" of the proposal, which occurs on the specific block number listed here.
  1. In the top right corner of the page, connect your wallet with your ZH tokens (e.g., MetaMask / WalletConnect) and follow the prompts.
  1. Next, in the ‘Cast Your Vote’ section of the page, select how you would like to vote. Click ‘Vote’.
  1. You’ll be prompted to confirm your vote. On this confirmation screen, review the information: the option you selected, the snapshot block, and your voting power. After reviewing, click ‘Confirm’.
  1. Authorize the transaction using your wallet. Since this is a signature transaction, no gas fees are required. After you vote, your ETH address will appear in the voters' list toward the bottom of the page.

If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to engage with the community through Consensus on the Zettahash Discord server. Note that the voting process has the potential to be continually improved and refined by the community as time progresses.

Amendments to the Constitution

Through decentralized governance, each Tokenholder shall have the right to propose changes.

To submit a Proposal and initiate a Referendum, each Token Holder must:

  1. Submit a Draft Proposal: This should contain the proposed changes, the reasoning behind the Proposal, the importance of making changes to the Constitution, proposed implementation (including technical, financial, and governance implications), and other information specified in the requirements.
  1. Stake Involvement: The proposer must stake their involvement in the Referendum by putting 10 Zettahash as collateral during voting. This collateral might be forfeited if the proposal is challenged and ruled to violate any provision of the current Constitution.


Amendments to this Constitution shall be considered ratified upon receiving the necessary votes as specified above. The ratification process is as follows:

  1. Voting Period: The Proposal will be open for voting for a specified period, during which Tokenholders can vote.
  1. Vote Counting: At the end of the voting period, votes will be tallied. An amendment requires a 51% majority to pass.
  1. Announcement of Results: The vote results will be announced to the community. If the amendment receives the required majority, it will be considered ratified.
  1. Implementation: The ratified amendment will be implemented as specified in the proposal, and the Constitution will be updated accordingly.
  1. This process ensures that changes to the Constitution are made with the community's consensus, maintaining the integrity and decentralized nature of the governance system.

Treasury Management and Ecosystem Fund Allocation

  1. Treasury Management: The Zettahash (ZH) DAO Treasury is managed autonomously through a smart contract on the blockchain, ensuring that no individual, including Elected Members, can directly access the funds.
  1. Community Proposals: Members can propose how to utilize Treasury funds, which are not owned by ZH DAO but are used to organize and manage the allocation process.
  1. Fund Allocation: ZH DAO may allocate funds to support projects, initiatives, and activities that align with its objectives. The allocation is determined through a democratic voting process.

Treasury Safeguards

To fortify the treasury against vulnerabilities and ensure its strategic growth, our decentralized organization adopts a tripartite system reflecting principles of checks and balances akin to modern democratic systems. This structure is designed to secure and imbue the treasury with transparency, accountability, and community engagement.

Elected Member - Executive Branch: This branch is crucial for decision-making and execution in treasury management. Elected Members (EMs) handle resource allocation, investment decisions, and operational management, adhering to governance protocols to align with the organization's objectives and ethical standards.

Attorney - Judicial Branch: As the guardian of legal compliance and ethical integrity, this branch ensures the treasury adheres to laws, regulations, and policies. It conducts audits, provides legal advice, and ensures all activities comply with legal and ethical standards.

Third-Party - Community Branch: This branch, comprising third-party entities or community representatives, ensures treasury management reflects the community's interests and values. It counterbalances the Executive Branch, providing the community's voice is integral to decisions.

Our governance model mandates a 3:1 ratio to maintain robust security and balance, meaning there is one third-party representative for every three elected members. This ensures a balanced and diverse perspective in managing our multi-signature wallets, which are pivotal to the security of our treasury.

Treasury Fund Allocation

Our treasury's financial health and strategic growth are driven by the careful management of Zettahash's income and expenditures through an independent asset pool. This pool encompasses assets, including Tokens, and is meticulously overseen by the Elected Members specializing in Finance and Mining.

Critical Expenditures Requiring Token Holder Approval

Certain strategic financial decisions necessitate broader consensus within the organization, thus requiring additional approval from Token holders. These include but are not limited to:

  • Strategic Distributions: Investments intended to develop the Ecosystem or enhance the DAO's underlying protocol.
  • Grants for Ecosystem Development: Financial support provided to participants actively contributing to the growth and development of the ecosystem.
  • Organizational Events: Funding for off-chain events aimed at fostering community engagement, ecosystem growth, and networking opportunities.
  • Significant Purchases: Acquisition of off- or on-chain goods or services valued at or exceeding a predetermined threshold (to be defined), whether in fiat currency or cryptocurrency equivalent.

Treasury Wallets and Department Wallets

To optimize transparency and efficiency, our treasury is structured into two main categories:

  • Treasury Wallets: Serve as the primary repositories for the organization's collective assets. Managed by the Executive Branch, these wallets require multi-signature transaction authorization, ensuring high security and oversight.
  • Department Wallets: Allocated to specific departments within the organization, these wallets are designed to streamline the operational efficiency of various projects and initiatives. Each department wallet is subject to oversight by the respective Elected Members and audited regularly to ensure compliance with the organization's financial policies.


Zettahash DAO is committed to transparency in managing its treasury. We maintain clear and accessible records of all financial transactions, including income, expenditures, and asset holdings, for all community members. This transparency allows stakeholders to stay informed and actively participate in governance and oversight, ensuring our treasury's security and sustainable growth.

Financial Audits Protocol

The Financial Audits Protocol is established to ensure transparency and accountability in managing Zettahash DAO's funds. Regular financial audits independently assess the DAO's economic activities, ensuring compliance with established policies and procedures.

Frequency of Audits:

  1. Annual Audits: Financial audits are conducted annually to review the DAO's financial statements and transactions for the fiscal year.
  1. Special Audits: Additional audits may be initiated in response to specific events or concerns, such as significant financial transactions, changes in the DAO's financial management practices, or allegations of financial misconduct.

Scope of Audits:

  1. Financial Statements: The audit examines the accuracy and completeness of the DAO's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
  1. Compliance: The audit assesses compliance with financial policies, regulations, and internal controls established by the DAO.
  1. Risk Assessment: The audit evaluates the effectiveness of the DAO's risk management practices related to financial activities.
  1. Transaction Review: The audit includes a detailed review of significant financial transactions, including income, expenditures, and asset management.

Audit Process:

  1. Selection of Auditor: A transparent process selects an independent external auditor or auditing firm with blockchain and DAO operations expertise.
  1. Preparation: The DAO's finance team provides the necessary financial records and documents to the auditor for review.
  1. Conducting the Audit: The auditor examines the financial records, performs analytical procedures, and conducts interviews with relevant personnel.
  1. Audit Report: The auditor prepares a report detailing the findings, including any discrepancies, compliance issues, or recommendations for improvement.
  1. Review and Action: The DAO's governance body reviews the audit report, addresses any findings and implements recommended changes to enhance financial management.

Transparency and Reporting:

The financial audit results, including the audit report and any actions taken in response, are shared with the Zettahash DAO community to maintain transparency and accountability.

Review and Update:

The Financial Audits Protocol is periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the DAO's financial activities and to incorporate best practices in financial auditing.

Security Measures: Addressing Key Risks

Zettahash DAO recognizes the importance of addressing key security risks to ensure the integrity and safety of our operations. Below are the significant risks and the specific countermeasures we have implemented to protect our ecosystem.

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

  • The code that governs DAOs is subject to bugs or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors, leading to loss of funds or control.
  • Countermeasure: Zettahash DAO conducts regular audits and employs continuous monitoring to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities in our smart contracts.

Governance Challenges

  • Effective decision-making can be challenging due to issues like voter apathy, low participation rates, and the risk of centralization of power.
  • Countermeasure: We have established clear governance protocols and incentivized active participation to ensure a decentralized and democratic decision-making process.

Security Threats

  • DAOs can be targeted by hackers and scammers, leading to loss of funds, data breaches, and reputational damage.
  • Countermeasure: Zettahash DAO implements robust security measures, including encryption and multifactor authentication, and regularly educates our community on cybersecurity best practices.

Token Concentration

  • The concentration of voting power in the hands of a few token holders can lead to unequal influence and potential manipulation of the organization.
  • Countermeasure: We promote equitable token distribution and have mechanisms to prevent excessive voting power concentration.

Social Engineering

  • Members of the DAO can be targeted through phishing, impersonation, and other social engineering tactics to gain unauthorized access or influence decisions.
  • Countermeasure: Zettahash DAO provides ongoing security awareness training to our members and has established strict verification procedures to combat social engineering attacks.

By proactively addressing these risks with targeted countermeasures, Zettahash DAO is committed to maintaining a secure and resilient ecosystem for our members.

Emergency Decision-Making Protocol

The Emergency Decision-Making Protocol was established to enable swift and effective decision-making in situations that require immediate action to protect the interests of Zettahash DAO and its community. This protocol is activated in response to urgent situations such as security breaches, critical operational issues, or other emergencies that pose a significant risk to the organization.

Activation of Emergency Protocol

  1. Identification of Emergency: An emergency is identified by an Elected Member, Hasher, or any community member who becomes aware of an immediate threat or critical issue.
  1. Notification: The individual who identifies the emergency must promptly notify the Elected Members and relevant stakeholders, briefly describing the situation and the potential impact on the DAO.

Emergency Decision-Making Process

  1. Assessment: Elected Members and relevant experts quickly assess the situation to determine the severity and scope of the emergency.
  1. Coordination: A temporary Emergency Response Team (ERT) comprises Elected Members and experts with the necessary skills to address the situation. The ERT coordinates the response efforts and decides on the course of action.
  1. Decision-Making: Decisions are made by a majority vote within the ERT, with the aim of resolving the emergency as efficiently and effectively as possible. The ERT may decide without a formal vote if immediate action is required.
  1. Communication: The ERT communicates the decision and action plan to the community, ensuring transparency and providing updates as the situation evolves.

Post-Emergency Review

  1. Debriefing: After resolving the emergency, the ERT conducts a debriefing session to review the response efforts, identify lessons learned, and recommend future improvements.
  1. Reporting: A detailed report of the emergency, the response actions, and the outcomes is prepared and shared with the community. This report includes any proposed changes to the Emergency Decision-Making Protocol or other relevant policies.

Amendment of Protocol

The Emergency Decision-Making Protocol is subject to review and amendment based on the experiences and feedback from emergencies. Any proposed changes must be approved through the DAO's governance processes.


All members of Zettahash DAO are expected to cooperate and adhere to this protocol in an emergency, ensuring the organization's and its operations' safety and integrity.

Data Privacy and Protection

Zettahash DAO is committed to handling and protecting personal data in compliance with relevant data protection regulations. Our comprehensive approach to data privacy and protection ensures that the personal information of our members and benefactors is safeguarded with the utmost care and security.

For more detailed information on our data privacy and protection policies, please visit our Privacy Policy page at https://zettahash.org/en/organization/privacy-policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Zettahash DAO Conflict of Interest Policy ensures that all decisions and actions are made in the organization's and its community's best interest. It aims to prevent and address conflicts of interest, which occur when an individual's interests could interfere with their responsibilities to the DAO. This includes situations where an individual might gain personal benefit from their position within the DAO.

Disclosure of Conflicts

All Elected Members, Hashers, Ambassadors, Advisors, Contractors, and Community Members involved in decision-making or holding a position of influence within Zettahash DAO must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the DAO community. This disclosure should be made as soon as the individual becomes aware of the possible conflict.

Procedures for Recusal

In cases where a conflict of interest is identified, the individual involved must recuse themselves from any decision-making or actions related to the matter. The recusal should be documented, and the individual should not participate in discussions, voting, or any other activities that could influence the outcome of the decision.

Managing Conflicts

When a conflict of interest is disclosed, the DAO community will assess the situation to determine the appropriate action. This may involve additional disclosures, further recusal, or other measures to ensure that the decision-making process remains unbiased and in the best interest of Zettahash DAO.

Transparency and Accountability

All conflicts of interest and the actions taken to address them will be documented and made available to the DAO community for transparency and accountability. This includes maintaining records of disclosures, recusals, and other relevant information.

Review and Update

This Conflict of Interest Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Amendments to the policy may be proposed and adopted through the DAO's governance processes.


By participating in Zettahash DAO, all members agree to abide by this Conflict of Interest Policy and to act in the best interest of the DAO and its community at all times.

Dissolution of Zettahash DAO

In the unlikely event that Zettahash DAO must be dissolved, the following process will be followed to ensure an orderly and transparent dissolution:

  1. Decision to Dissolve: The decision to dissolve Zettahash DAO must be made through a supermajority vote of the token holders, as defined in the governance structure.
  2. Notification: Upon the decision to dissolve, all members and benefactors will be notified, and a public announcement will be made to ensure transparency.
  1. Asset Liquidation: Zettahash DAO's assets, including any remaining treasury funds, will be liquidated orderly. The proceeds will be used to settle any outstanding debts or obligations.
  1. Distribution of Remaining Assets: After all obligations have been settled, any remaining assets will be distributed to token holders in proportion to their token holdings, per the terms outlined in the governance documents.
  1. Final Audit and Reporting: A final audit will ensure all financial transactions are accounted for, and a closing report will be published for transparency.
  1. Official Closure: Once all steps have been completed, an official declaration of dissolution will be made, and Zettahash DAO will cease to exist.
  1. The dissolution process is designed to protect the interests of all benefactors and ensure a responsible winding down of the organization's activities.


This Constitution shall be adopted upon receiving the approval of most Zettahash DAO (ZH DAO) members through a formal voting process. The voting procedure shall be conducted in accordance with the DAO's established voting mechanisms. Once adopted, this Constitution shall become the governing document for ZH DAO, guiding its operations, governance, and decision-making processes.


This Constitution embodies our shared dedication to cultivating a decentralized, transparent, and inclusive ecosystem. As the cornerstone document of Zettahash DAO, it guides our operations, decision-making processes, and core values. By adhering to the principles outlined herein, we commit to fostering a community of collaboration, innovation, and decentralization. We recognize that this document is dynamic and poised to evolve with Zettahash DAO as we navigate new challenges and opportunities. Together, we embark on this inspiring journey to revolutionize Bitcoin mining and decentralized governance, unlocking the vast potential that awaits us.